We talk about trees a lot, whether it’s about the new buds, the changing colors or who is living inside. But what is it like being a tree? Let’s try it out!

Go outside and find a nice spot, wherever you prefer. Do you like sun or a little bit of shade? Some trees grow by themselves. But just like humans, trees thrive when they are surrounded by others, so grab a friend or family member to be a tree with you.
Find your roots
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, so that you feel sturdy. Your feet and toes act like a tree’s roots. They ground you and hold you steady.
Bonus: Take off your shoes and feel the earth beneath your toes. Is it squishy? If so, did it rain recently? Are you near water? That’s great, because just like you, trees get thirsty in the hot summer sun. Is the ground dry? That’s OK. Just like we carry around water bottles, trees also have water reserves.

Close your eyes and imagine your toe-roots are growing down into the ground. If you’re barefoot, wiggle your toe-roots into the earth. What are they passing? Worms? Microorganisms? Crunchy leaves? Rocks?
Tree roots grow just deep enough, and then they grow wide. What are you growing next to? Other trees? A river or pond? A house?
Stand tall
Once you are firmly rooted, try stretching your arms out tall and wide. These are your branches. Just like your body, or trunk, has spent years growing, so have your branches.

Stretch those fingers out. Humans might not have the ability to grow leaves, but our fingers act as mighty fine twigs! Give them a little flutter. Do you feel the wind moving between your finger-twigs?
Look up at your arm-branches and your finger-twigs. Do you feel taller with your branches reaching high to the sky?
If you are next to a friend tree, avoid knocking arms. In a forest, trees compete for space in the sunlight to receive nutrients and grow. Stealing sunlight would be like stealing your friend’s lunch. And that wouldn’t make you friends for very long.
Send a message
Trees can communicate with one another, just not in the way we think! Without using your voice, send a message to the tree-person planted next to you. Did they get the message?
Reach your toe-roots over to your tree friend and touch their toe-roots. Is it easier to send a message through touch?
Trees can send signals to other trees through their root systems and through fungi growing in between plants. They can even send nutrients!
Stand still
Stand perfectly still for a minute and notice what is going on around you. What does the sky look like? Is it perfectly blue or a little cloudy? Are there any bugs buzzing by or birds eyeing your fingers as landing spots? Close your eyes. Do you feel the wind? Are the sun’s rays warming you up? Remember your toe-roots. Notice what is going on beneath them.
Take another few minutes. What has changed during these quiet moments?
Finally, take a deep breath. Slowly bring your fingers in and your arms down. Wiggle your toes. Shake out your arms and feet and return to your human form.
Try this exercise in your back yard, a park or a forest.
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