These are three great ones the kids will love.

'Wings' by Jane Porter
When all the birds fly to the top of the tree, Penguin is left all on his own once again. A hilarious series of events unfold as Penguin tries to teach himself to fly. Despite the expert advice of his bird friends, flying is not for everyone!
'Grumpy Bird' by Jeremy Tankard
Bird wakes up feeling grumpy. Too grumpy to eat or play. He’s too grumpy to even fly. "Looks like I'm walking today," says Bird. He walks past Sheep, who offers to keep him company. He walks past Rabbit, who also could use a walk. Raccoon, Beaver and Fox join in too. Before he knows it, a little exercise and companionship help Bird shake his bad mood.
'Bird Songs' by Steve Jenkins
Then ... tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat! A woodpecker starts his rap for the day. Next comes soft coos from the mourning doves, followed by the chirping of a flurry of sparrows. And on go the birdsongs throughout the whole day.