When warm weather sticks around into September, you’ll see turtles basking in the sun along rivers. Make this pocket-sized turtle out of yarn and Popsicle sticks to take along while you look for real turtles!

3 Popsicle sticks
Green and black markers
Yarn (2 to 4 different colors)
1. Color the Popsicle sticks green. Don’t forget to color the edges!
2. Stack all three Popsicle sticks on top each other. Tie them together in the middle with yarn.

3. Fan out the Popsicle sticks, so it looks like a snowflake.
4. Start winding yarn around the center of the Popsicle sticks, so it keeps the snowflake shape. Continue winding yarn around the center until there is a mound in the middle.

5. Start winding yarn around one of the individual Popsicle sticks, then move on to the next Popsicle stick to the right. Wind the yarn around that stick. Continue wrapping the yarn around each of the individual Popsicle sticks, moving in a circle to the right.

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