Now is the time to get outside and enjoy all the spring woodland wildflowers. Then you can head indoors and make your own colorful flower decorations.

Colorful paper (new or from magazines or calendars)
Three different-sized circular objects to trace (about 1 inch, 2 inches and 3 inches in diameter)
Colored pencils or crayons
Plain paper
Glue stick
Crumbled Circular Flower
1. Trace the three different-sized circular objects and and cut them out. You will need one of each size for each flower.
2. Crumble the circles into a ball. This adds texture and makes the flowers come off the paper.
3. Glue the back of the center of the largest circle and place it on the plain paper.
4. Glue the back of the center of the medium circle and place it on the large one.
5. Glue the back of the smallest circle and place it on the middle circle.
6. Make more flowers and add them to your paper.
7. Draw stems, leaves and a maybe a vase.
8. Color and decorate how you like.
Cut Shapes Flower Directions
1. Trace and cut colored paper into different-sized circles.
2. Cut the circles into halves or wedges.
3. Arrange the paper pieces into flower shapes and glue into place on the plain paper.
4. Draw stems.
5. Use half circles and wedges to make leaf shapes. Arrange and glue into place on the plain paper.
6. Color and decorate how you like.