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Mar 6, 20202 min read
Ivory Soap Is All You Need To Make Your Own Clouds
On a day when the weather makes you stay inside, you can make big, fluffy clouds just like the ones you see outside. All you need is...

Feb 20, 20202 min read
Ready, Set, Launch: Make Your Favorite Critters Fly
Launch animals in the air and watch them spiral and float to the ground. This activity takes advantage of items you already have around...

Jan 14, 20202 min read
Turn Your Old DVDs and CDs Into Outdoor Art
Making a wind chime or sun catcher is a fun way to reuse old CDs and DVDs! And it is a great project for the whole family to do together,...

Dec 6, 20192 min read
Whooo Wants To Create Their Own Cardboard Owl?
Now is a great time of year to get outside and search for owls. Don’t forget to bring “owls” inside, too. Make your own owl ornament to...

Nov 26, 20192 min read
Turn Sticks From Your Yard Into Festive Reindeer
No need to pay a store big bucks to have a charming little buck of your own. Get outside and collect sticks around the yard. With a...

Nov 19, 20192 min read
Make Your Own Mushrooms
Mushrooms sometimes appear overnight on misty fall nights. They don’t always stay for a long time, making it a treat to see one while...

Oct 15, 20191 min read
Creepy Creatures To Get You in the Halloween Spirit
Let your creativity flow with these fun toilet paper tube creatures! You can make any type of creature you imagine, even some traditional...

Aug 13, 20191 min read
Let Nature Inspire Your Own Spoon Bugs
Summer is full of all sorts of bugs. Head outside with a container to catch bugs in your back yard to get ideas for your spoon bug. Try...

Jul 12, 20191 min read
How To Make a Rainbow
Here's step-by-step directions for making a rainbow of your very own. Materials Rainbow-colored construction paper (red, orange, yellow,...

Jun 5, 20192 min read
Make Your Own Buzzy Bee With Recycled Items
Early summer is the perfect time of year to enjoy bees buzzing and pollinating our gardens. Make your own version to carry with you as...

May 9, 20192 min read
Make Your Own Beautiful Butterflies
Butterflies are a perfect example of symmetry. Symmetry is something that is the same on both sides of a middle line. In the case of...

Apr 16, 20191 min read
Fun Paper Flowers
Now is the time to get outside and enjoy all the spring woodland wildflowers. Then you can head indoors and make your own colorful flower...

Apr 9, 20191 min read
Create a Toad Abode
Invite toads to your backyard by making them a “Toad Abode.” Toads can eat as many as 3,000 bugs in a month! That’s really great for...

Mar 15, 20192 min read
Milk Magic: A Colorful Experiment
Celebrate March with this crafty, rainbow-of-colors experiment. All you need are a few things you probably already have in your kitchen....

Feb 15, 20191 min read
Create Some Nature Ice Ornaments
The holidays may be over but it can still be fun to decorate your outdoor trees and shrubs with ice art! Materials: nature clippings from...

Jan 25, 20192 min read
Make a Snowflake
These are fun to make and a great winter decoration. You can upcycle cereal boxes which will take a little more time for preparation, or...

Dec 19, 20181 min read
Make a Mason Bee Home
Mason bees are local bees that are metallic blue. They are pretty friendly bees. Males do not have a stinger and females only sting if...

Dec 5, 20181 min read
Build Your Own Salamander Home
Salamanders live in forests under logs and leaves. They like to eat worms, beetles, slugs and any other critter that lives underground....

Nov 23, 20181 min read
Make a Suncatcher Out of Ice
A cold and sunny winter day will provide the perfect setting for this fun activity. Materials: Ribbon Pie tin Water Food coloring Organic...

Oct 29, 20181 min read
Build A Plastic Bottle Birdfeeder
One of the many ways we can help birds is by providing them some food. Materials: Plastic bottle Wooden pencils or spoons Scissors Push...
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